Health Maintenance Review and Discussion

Health Maintenance Review and Discussion

The mind-body connection is more than a new-age catch phrase!

Because I am a fully trained internal medicine physician and a psychiatrist, I am in the unique position of being able to help you maximize your wellness from both directions! There are lists outlining appropriate health screening and supplement recommendations for the different age groups provided by various public health agencies. At times, it can be difficult to keep track of what is recommended and the on which these recommendations are based. To make matters even more complicated, these recommendations frequently change, primary care is becoming more fragmented and it can be difficult to find a physician with time to discuss the reasoning behind these guidelines. I find that patients often forgo health maintenance because they are worried that the recommendations may turn out to be harmful or they have unanswered questions about them. Because I strongly believe in the mind-body connection, I know that it is vital for my patients to understand their bodies and feel that they are in control of their healthcare decisions. Knowing what the recommendations are and the data behind them is a good start. I am available to discuss health screening recommendations and the science behind them with my patients. I do not practice primary care and will not give advice about whether or not to follow recommendations, as that must be done by your primary care doctor, but I can certainly contribute to your knowlege so that you can be in charge of your health decisions.
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